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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Late Night Thoughts – being SOCIAL

its 3:21 am in the night and the thoughts that makes me awake are cruddy in nature. I am surprised by the way people address their problems as such. It seems as if people are born to have problems or we can elaborate it as earlier people didn’t have social apps/websites to share problems or after having social apps/websites the problems started to rise.. #toobad

I read few days back, about a girl tweeting upon her family nature.. she was actually abusing her family ..has these social apps/websites rotten our minds or may be we’re learning to be un-social on social webs ;) #toofunny ..well I don’t think this isn't what social apps are for?


It seems as we should take out some time out from these social webs and try to make ourselves social first #tooquick ..time is moving is being global day by day ..but inside our souls lies somewhere a person full of thoughts ..purity ..passion ..truth ..simple ..sensitive …and social :)

aww !! u guys must be thinking I have started drugs or taken some pills but no I’m serious and this is a serious & alarming issue to be debated upon ..hope my message touches your soul & once again let us be SOCIAL ..!!



1 comment:

  1. nice one...I liked ur views on this topic.. hey even I am a blogger... do visit my blog ...keep following my blogs..I am also following urs from today.. and write regularly dear.. Its Abhilash from Mumbai
