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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Family :)

its time ... i'm leaving back :) wish i cud stay longer wid family ... but neva mind ... i'll be back one day fully & spend ma full time wid u mom, utsav, dad, krishna & mowgli :)
i really thinks t being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections & accept the parts you can't change!!
Everyone in my house is loved just the same, weather they belong to me or not they are family and that is more important then allot of things.. remember that!
Family is can`t always live with them, but you can`t live without them either, and they are always there when you need them..
Family is not only the people who are related to you by blood but the people who love and care for you even when times get hard...
May be I have started describing what family is ... but im sure every one wants to have it as the same :D

chalo enough for this blog ... will post now on 21st i'll be busy in shifting & unpacking :)

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