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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Late Night Thoughts – being SOCIAL

its 3:21 am in the night and the thoughts that makes me awake are cruddy in nature. I am surprised by the way people address their problems as such. It seems as if people are born to have problems or we can elaborate it as earlier people didn’t have social apps/websites to share problems or after having social apps/websites the problems started to rise.. #toobad

I read few days back, about a girl tweeting upon her family nature.. she was actually abusing her family ..has these social apps/websites rotten our minds or may be we’re learning to be un-social on social webs ;) #toofunny ..well I don’t think this isn't what social apps are for?


It seems as we should take out some time out from these social webs and try to make ourselves social first #tooquick ..time is moving is being global day by day ..but inside our souls lies somewhere a person full of thoughts ..purity ..passion ..truth ..simple ..sensitive …and social :)

aww !! u guys must be thinking I have started drugs or taken some pills but no I’m serious and this is a serious & alarming issue to be debated upon ..hope my message touches your soul & once again let us be SOCIAL ..!!



Thursday, September 9, 2010

Urbanization in India

Urbanization is an index of transformation from traditional rural economies to modern
industrial one. It is a long term process. In this blog I am trying to illuminate the process of urbanization in India over a century with emphasis on level, tempo of urbanization and urban morphology using Indian Census data during 1901-2001.
At the moment, India is among the countries of low level of urbanization.Number of urban agglomeration /town has grown from 1827 in 1901 to 5161 in 2001. Number of population residing in urban areas has increased from 2.58 crores in 1901 to 28.53 crores in 2001.
Only 28% of population was living in urban areas as per 2001 census. Over the years there has been continuous concentration of population in class I towns. On the contrary the concentration of population in medium and small towns either fluctuated or declined. The graduation of number of urban centers from lower population size categories to class I cities has resulted top heavy structure of urban population in India.
India's urbanization is often termed as over-urbanization, pseudo-urbanization. The big cities attained inordinately large population size leading to virtual collapse in the urban services and followed by basic problems in the field of housing, slum, water, infrastructure, quality of life etc.
Urbanization is a product of demographic explosion and poverty induced rural-urban migration. Urbanisation is occurring not due to urban pull but due to rural push. Globalisation, liberalization, privatization are addressing negative process for urbanization in India. Policy relates to proper urban planning
where city planning will consist of operational, developmental and restorative planning.
Redirection of investment is recommended to develop strong economic base for small and medium city neglected so far so that migration flows are redirected to small and medium cities.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

happiness ----> soul

In this blog i will share the connectivity of happiness with soul ..
it's very important to believe what your inner soul communicate to u .. happiness & soul are just same if u bother to change the view ... just imagine!

I am fond of happiness :) it's inside me every time ... i can't resist it & feel sad for no reason ...

i have seen ppl behaving unnecessarily sad as if they never learnt to be happy ... i mean Y ??

u have this such a beautiful life to celebrate & live with so many awesome ppl around u ... then y limit urself just to SADNESS !!
i always wanted & wished that ppl around me should feel happy bcz of me ... i don't wanna let ne1 down for no stupid reason ..

Happiness is also bound by many positive elements .. wen u really want to be HAPPY ... mind me , u will feel it !!

just listen to ur instincts & try to find happiness around & inside u .. world is beautiful .. u'll love it ... !! explore ur views & maximize ur vision !

the message to everyone out there (reading my blog) ... do stay happy ! its the only way u can live up ur life to any extent u want ...

The secret of contentment is in knowing how to enjoy and be satisfied with what you have and being able to lose all desire for things you do not have.
Wen things get bad, remember one thing: It could be a lot worse! So count your blessings, not your burdens.

Be happy ... you need to listen to your heart & soul, because nothing on the outside or anybody else can bring you true happiness...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

my graduation days :D

hey frns.. this blog is purely dedicated to ma graduation days :)
the time we almost want to repeat one more time ...
i'll share some superb & classy images wid u :)

such wonderful moments are so auspicious ... time to recall :)
love u my frns :D

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